Prof.dr hab.inż. Aleksander Nawrat
Chairman of the Board
Aleksander Nawrat – He graduated in applied mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (1994) and computer science (2000) at the Faculty of Automation, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology. In 1994–1995, as part of a research scholarship, he completed academic training at the University of Exeter in Great Britain. In 2000, he began doctoral studies at the Faculty of Environmental and Energy Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, which he completed with distinction (2002), obtaining a doctoral degree. In the years 2002–2010, he was employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Control and Robotics, Institute of Automation at the Silesian University of Technology. In 2010, after defending his habilitation thesis, he received a habilitation degree at the Faculty of Automation, Electronics and Computer Science. He became a full professor in 2015. For many years he cooperated and served as a member of the Management Board, Head of the organizational unit dealing with classified information and Deputy CEO at WASKO SA. Professor Aleksander Nawrat is a long-time employee of the Silesian University of Technology. It performs, among others: director of the Cybersecurity Center of the Silesian University of Technology, he is also the chairman of the University Council of the Medical University of Warsaw and a member of the Council of the National Center for Research and Development.
Jadwiga Chabros
Vice President
Jadwiga Chabros – She has over 30 years of experience in the IT market – she started as a programmer and administrator of Unix Silicon Graphics systems. Operationally involved in the development of Matic for the last 3 decades. He cooperates with leading international corporations in the IT industry – including: IBM, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft. Within the company, she was responsible for the sale and delivery of IT solutions for the most demanding clients in the Polish public and private sector. She conducted projects for the media, publishing houses, cultural institutions, the public sector, etc. She implemented projects in the area of digitization, among others. cultural goods . During her professional career, she supervised a number of projects implementing the idea of digital transformation of public and private institutions in Poland.
Aleksander Goszczycki
Vice President of the Board – Head of the Unit regarding classified information
Aleksander Goszczycki – Expert in the area of process approach to IT. He has over 20 years of experience in creating and implementing software in complex IT projects. During his professional career, he participated in the implementation of projects such as launching the first online payment system in Poland in eCard SA, implementing a CRM system (“Blue Line”) in the Orange group, implementing a central sales management system at PKN ORLEN gas stations and others. In recent years, he has been running the special solutions department at Matic, within which he has implemented a number of projects in the field of criminal analysis, significantly improving the technological level of teams working with data in organizations of key importance to State Security.
During his professional career, he completed a number of certifications and specialist training – including the PMI certificate in project management and cybersecurity training.