Project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the INFOSTRATEG program
Project title:
System of detecting disinformation using artificial intelligence methods.
Purpose of the Project:
Development of the Polish potential of AI by developing solutions using artificial intelligence and blockchain, directly applicable in practice, focusing on creating innovative AI solutions in order to practically prevent and detect the so-called ‘fake news’.
Description and planned effects:
The project involves the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for automatic classification and detection of the so-called fakenewsów. As a result of the project, a service based on artificial intelligence algorithms will be created, which will be able to determine the credibility of information published in public space – in particular on the Internet and social media. The solution will be prepared to take into account the current model of information distribution – in which the recipient more and more often functions in his closed information “bubble”, and false information is produced by synchronized activities of many small sources (eg fake Twitter accounts). The prepared solution will have high business value both in Poland (support for Polish) and abroad (work in English).
The product will be addressed to the domestic and international market, to recipients of public institutions fighting economic crimes.
The proposed solution does not have direct competition – there are no solutions with a similar level of complexity and functionalities, currently unavailable from other manufacturers, and the very result of the project will be a response to the diagnosed, so far unresolved problems related to combating economic crime, which have evolved greatly in recent years.
The aim of the project will be achieved through the implementation of R&D works on the development of innovative system modules based on technologically advanced solutions such as flexible filtering and data modeling mechanisms, algorithms for the analysis of large data sets or mechanisms of their visualization, enriched with the knowledge of experts in the field of economic crime.
The results of the project implementation will be implemented by the Applicant within 3 years from the completion of the work by implementing the results of the work in its own activity.
Completion date: 2022-2025
Project value: PLN 8,657,000.25
Co-financing value: PLN 7,935 1,566.25